Speaking about my traumatic brain injury, vision loss, eating disorder and all the waves that have roared in the wake of my TBI, I aim to break down shackles stigma can hold as a result of labels.

There is no trail towards breaking down stigma if we do not educate. By speaking about my traumatic brain injury, vision loss, eating disorder and all the waves that have roared in the wake of my TBI, I aim to break down shackles stigma can hold as a result of labels. 

On the See-Through Podcast, with Lance Johnson who champions people from across the disability community, I backtrack from my room in Kathmandu to a Bavarian field where life changed in a split second. This uber casual conversation is rooted in how, despite significant vision loss, I have worked to let go of what I thought life would be and embrace who I am.

Listen here: https://wavve.link/seethroughpod

Once you have had a chance to listen, please let me know what it brings up for you, keep curious and strike up conversations to ignite light in others and recognize the power of perspective.

Thank you for keeping my cup full as I navigate life’s mountains.

love and light,


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