Choosing how I respond to TBI and Vision loss with Canada's National Post

The full article can be found in the print edition of The National Post (December 28, 2022):

Choosing how I respond to TBI and Vision loss with Canada's National Post
The full article can be found in the print edition of The National Post (December 28, 2022):
On The Mic With Parth: Jill Wheatley is a Canadian mountaineer and runner. A few years ago she suffered a traumatic brain injury causing her to loose 70% of her vision. But that did not stop her from dreaming big. She went about climbing 6x8000m mountains in less than a year and is aiming to finish all 14 very soon!
Visually impaired mountaineer Jill Wheatley says climbing is a gift after surviving traumatic brain injury.
Jill was featured in Gripped Magazine following her Annapurna summit (April, 2023)
We meet Jill Wheatley, a partially-sighted mountaineer looking to summit the world’s 14 tallest mountains.
New episode of Let's Take This Outside with @mtnsofmymind - Jill is a mountain climber currently climbing the world’s 14 peaks above 8,000 metres, with only 30% of her vision.
A Canadian climber is reaching remarkable heights and shattering records along the way but what's more significant is where she was forced to climb out of to get to the top.
When we find ourselves in situations with others who are experiencing distress due to adversity, knowing what to say, what to avoid saying, or how to act can be difficult regardless of how well intentioned we are.
In this episode we are joined again by Jill Wheatley who is going to walk us through some strategies that we can use to help people through distress and adversity.
From ParticipACTION Canada, the Active Champions Series is a monthly showcase of inspiring stories highlighting the importance of physical activity and sport in our everyday lives.
Jill's Feature in Canmore Alberta's Rocky Mountain Outlook
A Canadian climber is reaching remarkable heights and shattering records along the way but what's more significant is where she was forced to climb out of to get to the top.
Listen in as Travis and Mace lead a fun , educational, and compelling conversation with Jill and Ryan Haebe about living fully after traumatic brain injury.
On The Mic With Parth: Jill Wheatley is a Canadian mountaineer and runner. A few years ago she suffered a traumatic brain injury causing her to loose 70% of her vision. But that did not stop her from dreaming big. She went about climbing 6x8000m mountains in less than a year and is aiming to finish all 14 very soon!
New episode of Let's Take This Outside with @mtnsofmymind - Jill is a mountain climber currently climbing the world’s 14 peaks above 8,000 metres, with only 30% of her vision.
We meet Jill Wheatley, a partially-sighted mountaineer looking to summit the world’s 14 tallest mountains.
Jill was featured in Gripped Magazine following her Annapurna summit (April, 2023)
Visually impaired mountaineer Jill Wheatley says climbing is a gift after surviving traumatic brain injury.
Impact Magazine has featured a short story that moves high above a fight for life to the Himalayas
Jill is a former athlete, teacher, and coach whose life took a dramatic turn when a traumatic brain injury (TBI) left her with impaired vision, stripping away her independence and changing her world completely. Yet, even amidst the darkness, Jill's unwavering passion for Mother Nature and her unyielding spirit drove her to reclaim her life and conquer unimaginable heights.
Explore Magazine features a feat far bigger than any mountain.
If there’s one thing JIll Wheatley knows, it’s that life does not always go according to plan.
Talking all things change, challenge and choosing my response when life's trail gets rocky... from the Rockies.
What does it take to work through adversity? What happens when that adversity is coming from an injury that has transformed our life? ~ Jill Wheatley is an alchemist: listen to her her speak of transformation from adversity to adventure
A short radio interview speaking to the power of the mind amid the power of mountains ahead of the Bow Valley Film Tour.
In this episode of Talking Impact, we are honored to welcome mountaineer, educator, and true inspiration, Jill Wheatley. After surviving a devastating brain injury that left her nearly blind and in the hospital for more than 2 years, Jill has risen above unimaginable challenges to achieve extraordinary feats—conquering some of the world’s most dangerous peaks and living a life fueled by resilience and courage.
Thankful for the Canadian Concussion Legacy Foundation who asked me to share as part of their Inspiring Stories features.
The linked articles include reference to my 8000 m climbs; all part of Vision 8000
My conversation with Dylan includes goosebumps and gratefulness, stretches from dark places to embracing the nature of impermanence and all that inspires us to explore our potential in pain caves and amoung the highest of the Himalayas.
As I prepare for Manaslu, I take a timeout to talk with Matt, a mountaineering guide and psychologist, about the here and now, how I am using the lessons life has taught as I prepare for my first 8 000 m climb.
A chat about the chapters that have come between playing in the shadows of the Bavarian alps to where I find myself now, adventuring in those of the Himalayas.
An authentic chat about traversing lowlands, how I feel aloneness can be fulfilling and what craving connection tells me.
Speaking about my traumatic brain injury, vision loss, eating disorder and all the waves that have roared in the wake of my TBI, I aim to break down shackles stigma can hold as a result of labels.
A brief chat on Canada's national radio waves about how traumatic brain injury has prepared me for life's challenges including climbing Manaslu.
Becoming aware of the stories that we tell ourselves can be a huge step towards finding adventure and a spark in our spirit.
We dive into tales of internal climbs as well as those in the Himalayas that surround me, from the side of a Khumbu trail, I recently had a chat with the Red Bull team.
Learning from life’s mountains, Jill shares where she finds strength, sunshine and lessons since traumatic brain injury shifted her trail.
Talking through the scrambles and summits on the trail from Traumatic Brain Injury and Vision Loss to adventures amoung the highest of the Himalayas.
As a visually impaired adventure athlete, along with unique content and inspiring goals’, contagious energy is fabricated into my story, which I would be grateful to have allies become part of.
In this short podcast, Jill tells the story of how a sport accident in Germany has led her amoung the highest of the Himalayas via a 2 year expedition of recovery in 7 hospitals in 3 countries.
Having just returned for Ama Dablam, in this live Interview, the 3rd with Kerry Goulet, I speak to navigating highs and lows in the Himalayas.
Talking all things from my brain injury, vision loss and days to live to the summit of Ama Dablam with legendary mountain running photographer and podcaster Ian Corless.
The No Barriers Podcast explores the gritty reality of the struggles we all face, with the detailed stories of those that have persevered to find amazing outcomes on the other side.
Talking all things traumatic brain injury, vision loss, resilience and mountain adventures with one of hockey's greatest.
Education is essential to change stigma. For me educating means talking, vulnerably sharing and leading by example.
A little story of a serendipitous “Rocky” road that has led onto a bright, inspiring trail from the Bavarian Alps, to the Himalayas via Colorado and many mountains between.
When an injury, illness, or sudden life change derails us, our natural response is to curl up and retreat from the world. But it’s when we harness adversity and step into the storm that it becomes possible to recover, and even come out stronger.
From the accident, traumatic brain injury and vision loss to weight loss, eating school, mountain trails, Rocky falls & frozen waterfalls, Majell & I shine light on the power of impermanence.
Movement from resistance to acceptance is the thread of the podcast that weaves in a mix of dire diagnoses, denial, and resistance all blanketed by an adjustment in perspective that transformed onto a bright trail.
Rachel Brady describes how I was up in the Himalayas when COVID-19 shut down Nepal yet far bigger mountains have been overcome.
From a dodgy descent to igniting another’s fire on a crisp Khumbu night, I find power in perspective and find light on life’s trail.
Listen in as Ignition Show host Chris and I chat about how my TBI not only changed me, the potential in perspective and the power of impermanence.
Ultramarathons are a form of suffering Rob Krar can control—unlike his struggle with depression. I am a small part of his story yet hugely inspired.
Sudeep Kandal caught up with me to chat mountains on this trail that is life.
From the dark cavernous caves to the highest of the Himalayas, perspective can make challenges appear mountainous or possibilities look infinite.
I use vulnerability to connect and encourage the TS community onto trails full of self-belief towards whatever it is that excites their heart.
Prioritizing personal needs can feel selfish and indulgent. Like base layers and every single step climbing a mountain, small things matter.
When a devastating traumatic brain injury leaves Jill Wheatley almost blind she takes to running in the mountains to gain perspective.
My friend Majell and I share our Manaslu Trail Race experience in beautifully woven tapestry of memories, connections and friendship.
A recount of the accident, the long trail that led to mountains and how a blueprint for a year of travel and trails has evolved as has my acceptance of life’s trail.
Only once I moved head in the cycle of acceptance was I able to find my feet and flourish.
Chief Sparta Jen and I chat about the trauma, why I am running in the mountains, benefits of being vulnerable and what has grown from a seed of adversity.